showers are falling
As Friday winds down to a close here at work, I have begun to
reflect on the weekend up ahead:
reflect on the weekend up ahead:
(-) Vivian and I, I think, will be enjoying a Friday night together, wining and dining it out...but without the actual wining, probably ice-tea-ing and dining.
--I have really enjoyed these past few weeks, coming home with nothing to run off to, just coming home to my wife who is genuinely happy to see me and who has missed me all day. We just lavish in each other's company and cherish every moment together, whether it's watching a movie together, eating dinner out on our patio, taking a walk around our apartment neighborhood, dusting off our bikes and going for a bike ride, or just sitting across from each other...smiling like we're silly little school kids.
(-) Saturday will be an action-packed day as Vivian and I will be spending some time with our youth from our old church. They will be attending prom tomorrow night and have asked Vivian to work her hair and makeup magic on them. I will just be hanging out with the guys, doing guy things...until we leave there to head over to my brother-in-law's birthday party. I'm sure I will be engrossed in several key games of washers in my backyard, as well as competing against others in many more games.
--My family plays a lot of games. Before I met Vivian, I was a real mean competitor, in the fact that I would just ruin the night for many if I lost or came close to losing. I am so blessed and glad that Vivian helped me see the monster I became and how I made it "not fun" to have fun.
(-) Sunday we will be visiting Irving Bible Church as we continue in our journey to find the church home the Lord wants us to be at. After church, though, Vivian will be off to a baby shower for my little sister. She is helping plan it and decorate it and all that jazz. I don't know what's all involved, but I'm sure she is handling it wonderfully. In all actuality, I don't know how she does it, because along with planning a baby shower, she's also deep in her mid-terms for this week, getting ready for the spring break "load" that all teachers seem to put on you the week before the above said spring break.
--You know, I like not being a girl and I like not being girly and decorative and good at colors and a person who likes frilly things....it's the equivalent of being the guy that has a truck who is always expected to be the one who moves everyone. He's the guy that everyone asks to help them move, I mean, it's expected, because hey, he is the one with the truck. And those that are good at decorating, those that are good at matching colors together in a frilly, cutesy way that evokes such responses as "ohhh, how cute" or "oh my gosh, that is the most adorable thing I've ever seen," those are the people that are expected to be "in" on any party or celebration...because, hey, let's face it, without their help, it's going to be a boring and non-pretty party.
So, what a weekend huh?
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