
out on the open road

Well, it is now April 11th, and I don't know if you guys realize this or not, but 4 years ago this Saturday, Vivian and I became "Vivian and I." Yes, that's right, on the day that most Americans curse out against their formidable Uncle Sam, Vivian and I thought it would be neat to pursue a relationship into the area known as "more than friends."

And in celebration of this wonderful and memorable event, we are going out of town this weekend. Vivian and I will be heading to the beautiful campgrounds of Lake Mineral Wells, where we will wrestle with God's creation in order to successfully a) setup our tent without having to yell at each other about which pole goes where, b) start a campfire without to resorting to dumping a gallon of lighter fluid on it, and c) hike our way through West Texas' woods without having to make our own version of "Grizzly Man."

Now, I know what you are all thinking? "Why are they celebrating their dating anniversary? That's weird, I mean, they got married so they wouldn't have to deal with the circus that is the dating scene. Man, they are really mushy and gushy....well, of course, they have only been married 2 years." And I say to all of you, leave us alone! We love each other! Isn't that what marriage is about?

Everyday should be a celebratory anniversary of your love!! I praise my Lord, literally, everyday for my wife! I get to thinking how different my life would be without her and how lonely I would be...and it scares me. I don't like thinking about my past that way, I don't like facing that "what if" reality. And, that just humbles the crap out of me and sends me to my knees, exclaiming in the loudest voice I have, "PRAISE TO YOU MY KING!!! YOU HAVE DELIVERED ME FROM LONELINESS AND DEPRESSION AND HAVE GIVEN ME SOMEONE WHO WALKS IN YOUR LIGHT!!! YOU HAVE GIVEN ME SOMEONE WHO DESIRES TO KNOW YOU AND MAKE YOU KNOWN!!!!"

Love your wives men. Cherish them. Think about life without them.
It hurts doesn't it?

See you out on the open road!!

"Now that we're one now."
-Further Seems Forever (On Legendary)

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