
a quote I like

Everyday I receive an email with "Today's Word" from atgodstable.com, which is basically a verse or a coupling of verses from the Bible and this guys' take on the verse, deriving the original greek/hebrew from the verse and digging deeper into what the verse is trying to say.

Today's verse was from Philippians 4:8, where it says,
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.

I am not going to replay the entire message, but one thing that stuck out to me was this quote:
We are more likely to pass Jesus by as He sits with the homeless, while we hurry to get a comfortable seat in the pew.
Do you think that's true? I think it is. I think we rarely remember the life of Jesus. His actual life, His day-to-day livings...Or better yet, I think the real life of Jesus never comes to the forefront of our minds. The real life that speaks of ministering to the "worst of the worst" in today's society, spending time with tax collectors and criminals, loving them just as he loved his own beloved disciples, speaking the Word out in public to the masses, unashamed of offending anyone or hurting anyone's feelings, performing miracles after miracles...on SUNDAY no less!! That's the day that, back then, was supposed to be kept "Holy" and for no work to be done on that day. That was his life!

(sidenote) Isn't it funny, 2000 years later, that for a lot of us, our busiest day is Sunday?! The day that is supposed to be kept "holy" and free from work, the Sabbath day, is usually the day that everyone gets the busiest.....hmmm?

Do you think Jesus would go to church with us? Do you think he would wake up at 8:30, get the family up, make sure everyone is neatly pressed and primped nicely, grab some Starbucks on the way, and get there as fast as he can as to avoid having to talk to anyone in the lobby, just so he can grab the best seat in the house where he can see all of the guys on stage and can really get into the music??

Or would he be outside of the church, on some corner, sharing HIS story with the lost?

WWJD huh?

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